
This web server provides online access to a series of tools developed by the CBDD Group. To start using it, please select from the listings below, or use the menu on the top. If you prefer some classical applications, please visit our 'Tutorials' section. If you use our tools for research or education, please use the corresponding scripts from the 'Tools' section.


To develop a powerful model for prediction tasks, one of the most important things to consider is how to effectively represent the molecules under investigation such as small molecules, proteins, DNA/RNA and even complex interactions, by a descriptor. BioTriangle is a feature-rich toolkit used for the characterization of various complex biological molecules and interaction samples, such as chemicals, proteins, DNA/RNA, and their interactions. Biotriangle calculates nine types of features including chemical descriptors or molecular fingerprints, structural and physicochemical features of proteins and peptides from amino acid sequence, composition and physicochemical features of DNA/RNA from their primary sequences, chemical-chemical interaction features, chemical-protein interaction features, chemical-DNA/RNA interaction features, protein-protein interaction features, protein-DNA/RNA interaction features, and DNA/RNA-DNA/RNA interaction features. We recommend BioTriangle to analyze and represent various complex molecular data under investigation. We hope that the webserver will be helpful when exploring questions concerning structures, functions and interactions of various molecular data in the context of systems biology.

Please cite: Jie Dong, Zhi-Jiang Yao, Ming Wen, Min-Feng Zhu, Ning-Ning Wang, Hong-Yu Miao, Ai-Ping Lu, Wen-Bin Zeng and Dong-Sheng Cao. BioTriangle: a web-accessible platform for generating various molecular representations for chemicals, proteins, DNAs/RNAs and their interactions. Journal of Cheminformatics 2016, 8:34 [PDF]


BioChem is a tool used for the calculation of chemical molecular descriptors and fingerprints. It calculates about 540 descriptors from 11 descriptor groups and 7 types of commonly used fingerprints. These molecular representations have been routinely used in QSAR/SAR, virtual screening, database search, ranking, drug ADME/T prediction and other drug discovery processes.
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BioProt is a tool used for protein feature calculation. BioProt calculates about 9890 structural and physicochemical features of proteins and peptides from amino acid sequence. These sequence-derived structural and physicochemical features have been widely used in the development of machine learning models for predicting protein structural and functional classes, post-translational modification, subcellular locations and peptides of specific properties.
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BioDNA is a tool used for DNA/RNA feature calculation. BioDNA calculates about 6376 descriptors from 3 feature groups composed of 14 features, which represent the composition and physicochemical properties of DNA/RNA from their primary sequences. They have been routinely used in several problems in computational genomics and genome sequence analysis. Enter >>>

BioCCI is a tool used for the calculation of chemical-chemical interaction features. BioCCI enables the user to compute three types of interaction features by integrating two groups of chemical features. A specific application of BioCCI is the structural characterization from drug-drug interaction data. Enter >>>

BioPPI is a tool used for the calculation of protein-protein interaction features. BioPPI enables the user to compute three types of interaction features by integrating two groups of protein features. Enter >>>

BioDDI is a tool used for the calculation of DNA-DNA/RNA-RNA/DNA-RNA interaction features. It enables the user to compute three types of interaction features by integrating two groups of DNA/RNA features. Enter >>>

BioCPI is a tool used for the calculation of chemical-protein interaction features. BioCPI computes two types of interaction features by integrating chemical features from chemical space and protein features from protein space. Enter >>>

BioCDI is a tool used for the calculation of chemical-DNA/RNA interaction features. BioCDI computes two types of interaction features by integrating chemical features from chemical space and DNA/RNA features from genome space. Enter >>>

BioDPI is a tool used for the calculation of DNR/RNA-protein interaction features. BioDPI computes two types of interaction features by integrating DNA/RNA features from genome space and protein features from protein space. Enter >>>